Monday, March 28, 2011


This weekend was a disaster. Pizza, Del Taco, soda and Thai food = FAIL. I managed to hold steady at 156, but it was a close one. I'm glad I decided to measure and take pictures the 1st of every month rather than every 4 weeks, because that gives me a grace period of 5 days to get my act together.

On the plus side, I've been more active and met nearly all my previous week's goals. I only missed crunches and squats/lunges once, and I'm determined to keep going.

I do need to get some serious cardio going, though. Just doing that dinky little beginner's run on the Wii Fit kills me! You think I'd be better after carting Moose Baby around, but he's just making me weaker. The other day I walked a few houses down to visit a neighbor, and I didn't want to pack the stroller for my quick visit so I just carried my not-so-little one. Let me tell you, I was WINDED. That kid is huge—and squirmy—and I am seriously out of shape. If life were a B-movie and I had to run from a zombie horde, I'd be one of the first to get picked off.

On that note, what's the deal with jogging strollers? I'm not a serious runner, so would it be worth the investment for me to get even a used one? It seems to me his regular stroller would be fine for my pathetic running efforts, but what do I know. Any thoughts?

Until next time, when I bring you some yummy recipes shared by you, my friends and family.


  1. Something surprising I have found is how just a little hard work (and not a lot of time) you can get that cardio kicking into gear. In my Biggest Loser workout I only do a couple of things for about a minute at a time and after awhile it really builds up. I was surprised. I do jump roping, butt kicks, jumping jacks and skaters (I can explain if you need me to). I only know it is working when I have to run. One day the air was really bad and we left Collin's bottle in the restaurant. I ran from the car (parked pretty far) into the restaurant and back out and wasn't winded. It really surprised me. I hope this helps.

  2. That gives me hope, Steph. If I keep at it, these little things I'm doing will start to add up and I'll actually FEEL fit. Hopefully the weather will finally get nice and I can go outside more and shake things up!!

  3. I am thinking we should get together once or twice a month on a Sat. when the weather is nice and play tennis. Now you will have to teach me but I have always wanted to learn. I think that will help too.

  4. I LOVE that idea! The basics aren't hard to learn, and we have extra rackets. This sounds fab, I'm excited. Now to find some open courts in our half of the valley...
