Friday was not great. It started out strong, with another great green smoothie and an uber-healthy lunch courtesy of my dad. I don't know what it was exactly; some kind of salad with quinoa, beans, onions and tomatoes. Also on the menu were celery sticks with fresh salsa and his amazing homemade muffins that taste more like cake. I had great energy for the rest of the day, which I needed because work was crazy.
In the afternoons I am an editor for a TV news website. I love it, I truly do, but when there's breaking news all bets are off. It was another one of those insane breaking news days, which led to a splitting headache, which led to the consuming of a 12-oz. Coke. That weakened my resolve, so when I was offered a big ol' piece of chocolate cake I took it and stuffed my face.
The sad thing is, neither were great. Plus, the caffeine from the soda didn't even help my headache. It really wasn't worth it.
Because work was so crazy, I got home after 8 p.m. And because the lovely dinner I had for us would have taken an hour to cook, we bailed and instead dined on Top Ramen.
Again, it was not great and not worth it.
Saturday was much better. My morning smoothie that I shared with my hubby was delightful, and lunch was swell too: rotisserie turkey on a whole grain bread with cheddar, spinach and avocado.
We spent an awesome afternoon watching the BYU/Utah rugby match. I love seeing this game because I played on the USU women's rugby team my senior year of college. Ever since then, I've missed playing so much.

(Me, Brynn and Hailey at the collegiate women's regional tournament in San Diego, March 2004. Yes, I'm small. Get over it.)
There's a women's team in the valley and I've thought idly about joining ever since I graduated. I just heard their season is starting up again, so with this desire to get into shape maybe this is the year I'll actually do it.
The evening ended with pizza, but it was heavenly freshly-made pizza from Mountain Mike's in South Jordan with fresh tomatoes and basil and easy on the cheese. I turned down the free drink and got a salad instead, go me! I don't feel guilty because I've been working hard all week (with the exception of the Friday Fail) so it was an earned treat. Besides, it was 50 times better than Ramen and store-bought sheet cake, so it was totally worth it!
It was fast sunday so I didn't eat until after 2 p.m. Since I was so ravenous I don't consider my lunch of tortilla chips, cheese and avocado a fail because I really wanted box mac'n'cheese. Thus, a minor victory.
Tonight we had dinner with my parents so it was a tasty and healthy meal. They are the ones who got us on the green smoothie/whole foods campaign, so we always eat well there—not to mention they're amazing cooks. We even had a cake with the recipe from the Green Smoothie girl. You'd never know it was actually healthy and is in fact a made with beets. Oh man, is it good! Don't believe me? Try the recipe here: Chocolate Beet Cake with frosting.
Which brings me to what will be my next post...
How do you get veggies in your diet when you don't actually like veggies?
Stay tuned for more!
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