Thursday, March 31, 2011
New cardio routine
I'm making it a point to spend as much face-to-face time as I can with him, and if I have to let other things slide then so be it. He is my #1 priority, so everything else will have to get in line.
So when I can combine my priorities, that's when everything does fall into line, quite perfectly. That's why I'm so excited I found a new way to get in a good workout AND have great play time with Evan.
I had some fun pick-me-up music playing this morning as I was getting dressed, and Evan was playing on the floor next to me. When he started to get restless, I intervened with a high-energy Lady Gaga number—singing, dancing and all.
To my surprise and delight, he laughed. Laughing is new to him and he doesn't do it often, so naturally I kept up my act and really went at it. Then I picked him up and started dancing, kicking and jumping with him, and he laughed hysterically—until he threw up all over both of us.
It was so worth it :)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Weekly recipe roundup
From Cassy:
- Low-carb spinach wraps
- Spinach
- Bell Pepper
- Cucumber
- Avocado
- Bean Sprouts
- Banana Peppers
- Black Olives
- Light Mayo
- Low-fat Cheese
- Mustard
- Salt and pepper
- Sweet vinaigrette
- 1 tbs and 1-1/2 tsp olive oil
- 1/4 onion, chopped
- 1 clove garlic, chopped
- 4 cups water
- 2 teaspoons chicken bouillon
- 1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, or to taste
- 1/4 head cabbage, cored and coarsely chopped
- 1/2 (14.5 ounce) can Italian-style stewed tomatoes, drained and diced
- Frozen whole wheat mostaccioli
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 2-3 cloves garlic, crushed
- Fresh mushrooms, sliced
- Olive oil
- About 1 cup green beans
- 4-6 Roma tomatoes, chopped
- About 1 c chicken broth
- Parmesan cheese
- Italian spices
- Salt & pepper
Monday, March 28, 2011
On the plus side, I've been more active and met nearly all my previous week's goals. I only missed crunches and squats/lunges once, and I'm determined to keep going.
I do need to get some serious cardio going, though. Just doing that dinky little beginner's run on the Wii Fit kills me! You think I'd be better after carting Moose Baby around, but he's just making me weaker. The other day I walked a few houses down to visit a neighbor, and I didn't want to pack the stroller for my quick visit so I just carried my not-so-little one. Let me tell you, I was WINDED. That kid is huge—and squirmy—and I am seriously out of shape. If life were a B-movie and I had to run from a zombie horde, I'd be one of the first to get picked off.
On that note, what's the deal with jogging strollers? I'm not a serious runner, so would it be worth the investment for me to get even a used one? It seems to me his regular stroller would be fine for my pathetic running efforts, but what do I know. Any thoughts?
Until next time, when I bring you some yummy recipes shared by you, my friends and family.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Strange realization
Needless to say, this is awesome. Soon I may have to go through my boxes of stored clothes marked "skinny" and, instead of clear them out for space, dust them off to actually wear again.
This led to a strange realization: I've never had to do this before, meaning... I've never lost weight.
I have mixed emotions about this. On the one hand, it's awesome, a deserved sweet victory. On the other, this means that I've just continually gotten fatter and fatter.
Despite my years of good intentions and my stops and starts on exercise programs, I've never succeeded.
And that, my friends, is the most depressing thought of all—and the reason that I must push on and I MUST SUCCEED NOW.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Hiding the good stuff
Today I'm continuing my love affair with veggies. I've been craving them more and more, but rather than cook them all as side dishes I've been adding them to a bunch of other foods.
For example:
This soup comes from a mix, Bear Creek Cheddar Broccoli. Because it was from a package it had a lot of sodium, but it was much lower in calories and fat than a made-from-scratch recipe. Then, I improved on it with veggies.
I cooked about 3/4 cup of each: carrots, green beans, broccoli and corn while the soup was cooking. I put them in the blender, added a bit of soup, and blended it enough to chop the veggies into pieces about the size of sunflower seeds. (A food processor, veggie chopper or a good old kitchen knife will work too.) I poured everything from the blender into the soup pot and let everything cook together. It was so tasty and I didn't feel as bad for eating a mix since I added nearly four servings of vegetables.
You can do the same in more things than soup. I've done zucchini and carrots in spaghetti sauce, squash and carrots in meatloaf, spinach or cabbage into mashed potatoes (for a version of potatoes colcannon) and this week I'll be adding mushrooms and carrots into a lasagna.
In other news, I'm happy to report I have made excellent progress on my weekly goals so far. I've already done the Wii fit once, gone on walks twice, and done all but one day of my strength training exercises (which I'm making up for today). I'm feeling good for meeting my goals, no matter what the dreaded measurements may say on Monday.
Monday, March 21, 2011
I am recommitting
Instead of saying, "I don't deserve this pound lost," I will say, "Think how many more pounds I could lose if I just tried a little harder."
I am recommitting to getting fit.
- Do crunches every day
- Do lunges and squats on even days
- Do push-ups on odd days
- Use the Wii Fit at least twice a week
- Go on a walk at least once a week
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Apple puree
Friday, March 18, 2011
Meal planning 101
"The hardest part of planning any meal is figuring out what to have. If you wait until the end of the day, it is too late. You may be too stressed at that point to even decide, let alone shop for ingredients and prepare the meal. Then it is too easy to just buy processed, packaged foods; shop at the deli; pick up fast food; or go out to dinner."
- Get out your calendar
- Go through your recipes and choose meals
- Write your chosen meals on a piece of paper, a 3x5 card, or your calendar
- Make a grocery list
- Go shopping

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Weekly Recipe Roundup
So here I come with new inspiration in recipe form. These are again courtesy of my parents, two great salad dressings that are easy to make and so much better for you than the calorie-stuffed and chemical-laden bottled variety at the store.

Italian Oil and Vinegar
Classic French Dressing
More advice from my dad: "I find the secret to a good dressed salad is to put as little on as possible and mix well. You can always add more, but it's harder to take away if overdressed."
And what good is salad dressing without an amazing salad?
If you try any of the recipes I post, let me know what you thought. If you have any you want to share send them my way.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Losing motivation... already
Week 2 weigh-in = another pound lost!
Actually this is FANTASTIC news, considering I had some major off-the-wagon moments this week. I may or may not have had pizza, cheesecake and coconut cake. BUT WAIT! I still get a pat on the back because my husband and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary with a delicious Italian dinner out, but I held strong and ordered some kind of grilled/not-too-fatty entree instead of the creamy, cheesy pasta bowl I was drooling for. So in the end, I guess I still earned this pound lost.
I'm still motivated to keep eating healthy, but I'm already struggling with the motivation to get moving. I thought it would be easier to get out and get going with the arrival of warmer weather, but life keeps getting in the way.
After all this trying to sneak workouts into my daily life, maybe that just doesn't work for me. Maybe that's what's making it easier to let it slip, whereas if I had a set workout time and a specific routine to complete I would be more likely to finish it.
I truly miss lifting weights at a gym. But even if I had the money and the time for a daily gym lifting routine, it still wouldn't change the fact that I loathe cardio.
So... Suggestions? Advice? Pep talk? Help!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Don't forget the kids!

"Some mothers seem overly concerned about gaining weight if they cook. My cry to any mother who wants to keep her feminine form: Don't be afraid to eat! Your job is to teach good nutrition to your family. You cannot teach them to be afraid of eating. For too many girls, putting food into their mouths involves great pain and anxiety, which can lead to eating disorders... Your family deserves a well-balanced diet and all the benefits that come from sitting down together for a home-cooked meal."

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Exercise in disguise
- Taking more trips up and down the stairs
- Dancing with my baby (or for him, and hopefully making him laugh)
- Taking far-out parking spots and walking further to work/the store
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Day 9: Crash and burn
Monday, March 7, 2011
Veggies are your friend

5 carrots
2 Tbs. butter
3 Tbs. finely chopped yellow onion
1 tsp. Finely-chopped fresh Rosemary
Peel and slice carrots 3/8 in on bias. Place in a pan with water to cover and bring to a boil. Boil to tender crisp, then drain and set aside. In same saucepan, melt butter and sauté onion until translucent. Add Rosemary and stir 30 seconds. Add carrots and cook additional 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Days 4, 5 and 6
Friday was not great. It started out strong, with another great green smoothie and an uber-healthy lunch courtesy of my dad. I don't know what it was exactly; some kind of salad with quinoa, beans, onions and tomatoes. Also on the menu were celery sticks with fresh salsa and his amazing homemade muffins that taste more like cake. I had great energy for the rest of the day, which I needed because work was crazy.
In the afternoons I am an editor for a TV news website. I love it, I truly do, but when there's breaking news all bets are off. It was another one of those insane breaking news days, which led to a splitting headache, which led to the consuming of a 12-oz. Coke. That weakened my resolve, so when I was offered a big ol' piece of chocolate cake I took it and stuffed my face.
The sad thing is, neither were great. Plus, the caffeine from the soda didn't even help my headache. It really wasn't worth it.
Because work was so crazy, I got home after 8 p.m. And because the lovely dinner I had for us would have taken an hour to cook, we bailed and instead dined on Top Ramen.
Again, it was not great and not worth it.
Saturday was much better. My morning smoothie that I shared with my hubby was delightful, and lunch was swell too: rotisserie turkey on a whole grain bread with cheddar, spinach and avocado.
We spent an awesome afternoon watching the BYU/Utah rugby match. I love seeing this game because I played on the USU women's rugby team my senior year of college. Ever since then, I've missed playing so much.

There's a women's team in the valley and I've thought idly about joining ever since I graduated. I just heard their season is starting up again, so with this desire to get into shape maybe this is the year I'll actually do it.
The evening ended with pizza, but it was heavenly freshly-made pizza from Mountain Mike's in South Jordan with fresh tomatoes and basil and easy on the cheese. I turned down the free drink and got a salad instead, go me! I don't feel guilty because I've been working hard all week (with the exception of the Friday Fail) so it was an earned treat. Besides, it was 50 times better than Ramen and store-bought sheet cake, so it was totally worth it!
It was fast sunday so I didn't eat until after 2 p.m. Since I was so ravenous I don't consider my lunch of tortilla chips, cheese and avocado a fail because I really wanted box mac'n'cheese. Thus, a minor victory.
Tonight we had dinner with my parents so it was a tasty and healthy meal. They are the ones who got us on the green smoothie/whole foods campaign, so we always eat well there—not to mention they're amazing cooks. We even had a cake with the recipe from the Green Smoothie girl. You'd never know it was actually healthy and is in fact a made with beets. Oh man, is it good! Don't believe me? Try the recipe here: Chocolate Beet Cake with frosting.
Which brings me to what will be my next post...
How do you get veggies in your diet when you don't actually like veggies?
Stay tuned for more!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Is my Wii Fit to be trusted?

Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Gospel of Green Smoothies
*cue peppy infomercial music*
- More energy
- Improved digestion
- Fewer cravings for sweets and processed foods
- More positive, stable mood
- Improvement in skin tone
- Weight loss
- Increased desire to exercise
- Improved sleep
- Decreased stress level
- Blood sugar stabilization
- Shinier hair and smoother skin
- Decreased in PMS symptoms
- Improved sex drive
What is this simple habit? Making green smoothies.
What the devil is a green smoothie?
They're called green smoothies not only for their color, but for what's in them: greens, those dark leafies that are so hard to get into your diet but so healthy it's well worth the effort.
The idea is to get as many of these power-packed veggies and a variety of fruits into your diet daily, without having to spend hours gnawing on carrots, peeling oranges and stuffing yourself with spinach salad. All you do is blend everything and drink it up. That's it. It not only condenses a big pile of healthy stuff into one beverage, it helps you eat uber-healthy things you'd never eat plain, like chard, kale, beet greens and so on.
Four cups of green smoothie is less than 200 calories and equal to 15 servings of fruits and vegetables. That's a lot of awesome, all before noon!
Green smoothies are championed by Robyn Openshaw, a Utah gal who has all the info you need on her
Why these funky, not-so-yummy greens?
Because they're unparalleled in nutrition. They're packed with protein, calcium, fiber and blood-building properties, not to mention a host of vitamins and minerals you'd have to take a handful of supplements to match.
There is an entire science to this I won't get into, but here are some of the reasons to go green:
- You don't have to use high-fat, chemical-laden salad dressings to "get it down"
- You will be living the way God or Nature has intended—and your body will recognize this and respond
- Blending the greens makes the nutrition immediately available and predigested, much better than you can do by chewing
- You get more live enzymes in blended green drinks than in any other food, which means your body can use its own enzymes for more important things than fighting to digest a greaseball hamburger or processed frankenfood
- They're really fast and easy to make
- When blended with fruit, they can taste really good!
So Lindsay, what are the benefits YOU feel?
I have been drinking daily green smoothies for almost a month now. In half of that time I noticed a lot of changes. First and best, my craving for soda and fast food disappeared. I'm not kidding—poof, gone. I was having a Coke a day and fast food three or more times a week. Now, without even having to exercise my willpower, my body has made the decision for me. The thought of french fries (once my most desired treat) holds no allure. I now crave even more veggies and fruits, actually giving me the desire to cook real food that doesn't come from a bag or box.
Just as awesome is how I feel: More energetic and less sleepy with a sharper mind. I also have the desire to exercise, which is normally a torture for me. These are SO NEEDED right now as I have a wee li'l baby who wakes up twice a night and is the reason (mostly) my stomach is out of control.
The third thing I noticed quite soon was a slimming waistline, which is likely a combination of the healthy additions and the elimination of the bloat-inducing junk food.
So how do you make a green smoothie?
You can find full details on, or the video demo I'll post below. The Cliff's Notes version is:
Start with 1 to 2 cups of water in your blender. Fill it to the top with your chosen greens (see website or books for list). Blend it until it's liquefied. Your blender should be just under half full. Fill the rest with fresh or frozen fruit. (If you use more fresh, add ice if you like the smoothie texture). You can sweeten it, especially if you're a newbie. The Green Smoothie Girl uses natural sweeteners like agave and stevia. I use agave or juice, and occasionally a splash of cinnamon-sugar. Now blend and you're done!
There are plenty more videos on her YouTube channel.
A bit more of newbie advice: Start by doing more fruit than greens to get used to it, because some of the greens are quite strong. I love spinach because you can buy a bunch for cheap and it hardly has any taste when blended. Kale is good too, and I also occasionally throw in some carrot tops or a celery stick, if I have them lying around.
And one important thing:
You really should have a fancy blender. A regular one just isn't powerful enough and can leave you with green chunks in your teeth. Not cute. A good processor/blender, like the all-mighty Blendtec that I have, is expensive but SO WORTH IT if you're going to make this part of your lifestyle—and I highly recommend that you do.
So that's my sermon. I know some of you reading are also on the green smoothie train. What input do you have? Does anyone have questions?
......Oh, and P.S. I got in a brisk 20-minute walk today! AND cooked dinner, AND ate really good, healthy stuff. Victory!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Day 2, and ways to sneak in exercise
- Breakfast: Green smoothie with kale, celery, orange, pineapple, mango, strawberry, agave
- Lunch: Chicken and wild rice soup with carrots and celery
- Snack: More green smoothie
- Dinner: Sausage barley soup, spinach salad with strawberries, whole wheat roll
- 2 pieces of Dove chocolate (curse you, treat-happy coworkers!)
- 2 sets of lunges
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Bit o' Inspiration
Day 1-B: The Check-In
- Breakfast: Green smoothie with kale, celery, pineapple, mango, strawberry, banana
- Snack: Strawberry yogurt with homemade granola
- Lunch: Turkey and avocado sandwich with spinach, olives, lettuce, tomato and cucumber; colby jack string cheese
- Snack: Green smoothie part 2
- Dinner: Leftover shepherd's pie with green beans, carrots and corn
- Small chocolate chip cookie
- 2 Dove chocolate & caramel pieces
- 10-minute walk during lunch
- 3 sets of crunches