Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Judgment Day, Part 3

Huh. Not sure what to make of this.

This past month I've worked out the most since I started this project and I've stuck with the healthy diet. The scale is finally moving down again -- 153! -- and my clothes keep getting baggier. And yet, I don't see much change in these photos, or in my measurements.

Maybe it's all coming off of my face or somewhere I'm not measuring. Maybe the scale is a liar. Who knows. It is really frustrating, though, that I make the most progress when I do the least. I know that's not right, but that's what the evidence points to right now.

Well, instead of letting myself get too discouraged, I'll end with a comparison that really does show all my hard work:

And can we all agree that these are the most unflattering shorts ever??? Ug.


  1. I love you! You are so brave! I see a huge difference in your face (chin) and your posture has improved. Look at how much more confident you look! In the original you are mopey and in the new set you have a smile!

    Keep up the good work girlie!

  2. Cassy you are so kind. I definitely see a change in my face, and who doesn't want a better looking face? I hadn't thought much about my posture, but you're right, it's much better. Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Girl! You should definitely be happy with your progress.... You look great!
